About Us

About Company

Our Strength Lies in Your Success

We recognize that your demands might be different from others. So, we do not just pair any VA with you we understand your needs and provide the best Virtual Assistant for you.

We provide vetted VA’s dedicated only to your account based on your requirements. 


Thinking strategy

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Choice of solutions

Aliquam eu ultrices risus. Sed interdum lacinia sem, sed euismod purus rhoncus a. Sed tempor, neque

Route building

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos
Our History

Meet Our Founder

MANDEEP KAUR, owner of Beyond Outsourcing & Solutions (BOSS), has more than 17 years of Corporate and Entrepreneurial Infotech experience. She engages and supports C-Suite Executives, Directors, and Managers to translate business ideas into business cases. Mandeep has worked as a Dynamic Agile Product Owner, Program Manager and Trainer in the US and other countries. She has recruited resources, led, coached and trained offshore Scrum Development Teams, Technical leads, Project managers and Senior executives. At every step, she fosters team development and continuous improvement.
Years of Experience
0 +

Excellent company quality services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Delivered packeges


Years of expirience

Meet Our Founder

Mandeep Kaur, owner of Beyond Outsourcing, has more than
17 years of Corporate and Entrepreneurial Infotech experience. She engages and supports C-Suite Executives, Directors and Managers to translate business ideas into business cases.

Mandeep has worked as a Dynamic Agile Product Owner, Program Manager and Trainer in the US and other countries. She has recruited resources, led, coached and trained offshore Scrum Development Teams, Technical leads, Project managers and Senior executives. At every step, she fosters team development and continuous improvement.

Excellent company quality services

Nam fringilla commodo lobortis. Quisque aliquet commodo orci. Pellentesque dignissim tempor erat dapibus hendrerit
Cargo Insurance
Support 24/7

We provide future
of delivery


+8 (495) 989 20 11
+8 (495) 969 60 12


4621 Hill Croft Farm Road



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